Tag Archives: 12.0

Procrastination and Distraction.

Those are things.

More importantly, I have been finishing up some touches on the 300 “Demonic Harem” AA2 characters that I have been working on for another community (Hongfire) that I aim to deliver ASAP. I have them created by “generations” and each one contains 25 characters. I have some renaming, recoloring and redesigning to do on earlier generations and then I’ll finally create the twelfth and last generation.

These characters are the ever-growing group of females that the antagonist in Baretta’s fictional story possesses back in their own world that she uses to create discord with seduction and destruction in others. Creating these characters gives me an arsenal of non-important characters to introduce to SDT much later on, with all of them having profiles and specific traits (some similar to others).

Speaking of SDT, I have not progressed on Version 12 of this mod since last post. I seem to have quite a few projects that I am working on at this point in time, and I need to start getting them done to minimize my task list.

[I know, it’s my own fault for letting it get this far and I am doing what I need to do so that I can finally devote my energies to this mod.]

Until next post,

/Stay Dark
/Stay Violet
/Yours Truly

One month later…

Hello everyone,

Baretta 12.0 is about 20% done, and the Artificial Academy 2 version of her (and her personae) will be released no later than Friday of next week (once I finally decide their appearances).

What will be released with this AA2 version is a hair mod for the game (usage is not required — it’s only a certain hair slot modded for length and girth), screenshots, character cards for each personality and four outfits for the Host personality: one for each type (Uniform, Gym, Swim, Club).

Until next time,

/Stay Dark,
/Stay Violet,
/Yours truly.

A long time it has been.

I realize that where I left off was building this “brain-center” of the project.

Looking back, that was a great idea–and it still is. ;]
I plan to begin working on Baretta in SDT soon enough, and I aim to release it ASAP as version 12.0.

I also made the promise to upload screenshots of Baretta as she would appear in Artificial Academy, and that too will occur.

And one more thing: Those backgrounds I created of her on that one Flash game (should be displayed off to the right on this site), yeah that has been redone considering that the game received a nice upgrade; expect to see those too, buddies.

*An apology is due to those that followed me into the depths of my imagination and enjoyed the ride up until the sudden abrupt leave I had to take (I eventually felt no need to obligate myself to keeping promises to those I felt did not actually care whether or not I did, and figured that this project wouldn’t really be missed–I’m back again though and doing for what I did it for the first time: my pleasure and enjoyment).

/Stay Dark,
/Stay Violet,
/Yours truly.

Okay quick post, go.

Okay. I have NOT forgotten my role in the SDT Community, nor have I forgotten my dedication and love to and for this project I’ve started. My only excuse is that life is threatening to evict me from my home, and shut off my lights. Also, my grades in school have declined a bit due stress involving the break-down of my ride to school, and so I’ve devoted more time to building up new relationships with those that wish to aid me and focusing on my schoolwork to keep up or increase my GPA.

I sincerely apologize to everyone that has shown and is showing interest in this project, and just want to you know that I aim to make up for lost time this coming Summer (provided that everything is taken care of by then).

Gracias, everyone. Stay Violet.


Just checking in!

I realize that I have not released a new version of the mod each month. I’d like to let everyone know that an uneven balance of life issues and time are causing me to lose time with developing “Barii-chann.”

In what little time I have given to the project, I have completed two (out of about 20) shirt prototypes, with both them being for the Host persona’s daytime and daytime alt. outfits.

I did not think to supply screenshots before typing this on-the-fly post, my apologies as I will not (again) risk getting into trouble in a public place for the sake of this project.

Please look forward to my next update everyone!

Until then,

You Know What To Do 🙂

I’m re-releasing the ModPack and the Photo Album:

The Photo Album’s “Skip” function is inaccessible because I limited the maximum number of characters that could be used. Now you just type “XXX” to see the main seven photos.

The ModPack’s README lacked some information on the “AngelDemon.swf” file.

UPDATE:I still haven’t finished Baretta’s shirts yet; I just have a few more things to do (i.e. making different versions of it for the personas…)

Until next update,

Stay Violet.

I put together a little something.

I’ll be releasing it soon; it’s a compact folder of all the individual parts and pieces that make up Baretta.

It’s not EVERYTHING; just the main stuff like earrings and whatever that has the different versions of themselves that you can key through in the normal file.

If I were to break them down, then I (probably) would be releasing over 50 files.

It’s coming.

Until then,

stay Violet.

Time to release v11.0~

I would’ve done this three weeks ago, yet it was time for Christmas break and thus no Internet was available to me. -w-

Meanwhile, I’ve begun work on v12.0; I have wanted to give Baretta some shirts to wear for quite a while now. And so that is what’s now underway.

Until next time,

Stay Violet.