Category Archives: Blog Talk

Nothing too project-related.

A long time it has been.

I realize that where I left off was building this “brain-center” of the project.

Looking back, that was a great idea–and it still is. ;]
I plan to begin working on Baretta in SDT soon enough, and I aim to release it ASAP as version 12.0.

I also made the promise to upload screenshots of Baretta as she would appear in Artificial Academy, and that too will occur.

And one more thing: Those backgrounds I created of her on that one Flash game (should be displayed off to the right on this site), yeah that has been redone considering that the game received a nice upgrade; expect to see those too, buddies.

*An apology is due to those that followed me into the depths of my imagination and enjoyed the ride up until the sudden abrupt leave I had to take (I eventually felt no need to obligate myself to keeping promises to those I felt did not actually care whether or not I did, and figured that this project wouldn’t really be missed–I’m back again though and doing for what I did it for the first time: my pleasure and enjoyment).

/Stay Dark,
/Stay Violet,
/Yours truly.

Update time.

I haven’t been working on the shirts as of late. In exchange, I decided to do some website decorating while I am at college.

As many of you have already seen, I began to use photos and screencaps of Barii from other games that I’ve recreated her character. Such games include those that I have happened upon through various websites and some include those from games created by well-known H game companies such as “ILLUSION.”

I do this not only to promote my character, yet to promote interest in those games as well. I will take care to note the websites or games or anything related to the pictures that will help anyone interested in them find them and experience at least some of enjoyment that I have from these great games.

Until the next update,

Stay VIolet.

Here it is!

My new blog is here!

I had difficulties with posting on my earlier website, so here I am with this new one, on this kick-butt site called “WordPress.” 🙂

To those of you that are just now getting around to my mods and I, my earlier website was on it holds all of my past postings, as well as the last edition of the mod before I decided to move here. I will not change anything else on that blog, as I intend to keep it as a monument to my progress in addition to nostalgic reasons.