A long time it has been.

I realize that where I left off was building this “brain-center” of the project.

Looking back, that was a great idea–and it still is. ;]
I plan to begin working on Baretta in SDT soon enough, and I aim to release it ASAP as version 12.0.

I also made the promise to upload screenshots of Baretta as she would appear in Artificial Academy, and that too will occur.

And one more thing: Those backgrounds I created of her on that one Flash game (should be displayed off to the right on this site), yeah that has been redone considering that the game received a nice upgrade; expect to see those too, buddies.

*An apology is due to those that followed me into the depths of my imagination and enjoyed the ride up until the sudden abrupt leave I had to take (I eventually felt no need to obligate myself to keeping promises to those I felt did not actually care whether or not I did, and figured that this project wouldn’t really be missed–I’m back again though and doing for what I did it for the first time: my pleasure and enjoyment).

/Stay Dark,
/Stay Violet,
/Yours truly.