Just letting everyone know…

…that Baretta and I are still alive and kicking.

I clearly did not have time to release any updates, though rest assured that some changes have been made to the mod. In the midst of still creating outfits for her, I am also again rewriting my code setup. Ever imagine a computer program you could run that had something like a “brain” a.k.a. “the center focus of the application in which all other parts depended upon”? That’s what happening with this mod and its components.

To shorten things, look for both internal and external changes when the next release comes out.

In other news, I have gotten my hands upon a great game called “Artificial Academy 2”, a predecessor to an already awesome game called “Artificial Academy”. As you would likely guess, I have found a way to create Baretta as she actually is on the latest game, blue skin and all. Look forward to some screenshots!

–みなさん!! Stay Violet, オネガイシマスウ!!
(–Ladies and gentlemen, Stay Violet please very much!)