I put together a little something.

I’ll be releasing it soon; it’s a compact folder of all the individual parts and pieces that make up Baretta.

It’s not EVERYTHING; just the main stuff like earrings and whatever that has the different versions of themselves that you can key through in the normal file.

If I were to break them down, then I (probably) would be releasing over 50 files.

It’s coming.

Until then,

stay Violet.

Time to release v11.0~

I would’ve done this three weeks ago, yet it was time for Christmas break and thus no Internet was available to me. -w-

Meanwhile, I’ve begun work on v12.0; I have wanted to give Baretta some shirts to wear for quite a while now. And so that is what’s now underway.

Until next time,

Stay Violet.


So the outfits are completely done!

I ran into some slight turbulence with Banshii’s collar, which prevented me from progressing for a little while.

After I figured that all out, I cleaned up some other errors I’d made and began work on the READMEs.

Next comes the Photo Album!

Until the release,

Stay Violet!

Quick Update

Well I’ve finished re-coloring everyone’s outfits (with the exception of Drixii), and everything seems to look legitimately fashionable. I now will begin adding or taking away some elements of clothing (as well as adding or taking away elements of Konashion’s clothing) to enhance each personality’s emotional display.

Additionally, I have learned how to create color options that allow players to adjust colors of certain elements without having to use Konashion’s menu. Right now, Banshii’s color is the only element that has this attribute, and is modified so that players can now even change the color of the cloth under her collar.

Awesome, right?

Well that’s all for now! Until next time,

Stay Violet.

Sorry for the longevity!

Well my break was fun and relaxing;

I got a lot of schoolwork done, and I’m proud to say that my semester is coming to a close. It was fun. I learned a lot. I enjoyed my art classes.

Now then, Baretta has received a few more touch-ups as far as clothing goes, with Vixii and Drixii gaining glove animations, and a now underway re-coloring of each persona’s outfit set. Adobe Illustrator has a feature that seems to display up to four other colors that accent or just work well with a single color. On top of that, it also helps me learn warm-cool variations, shade-tints and vivid-dull variations. Look forward to seeing these changes towards visual harmony!

(You should also Stay Violet, yet that’s another issue.)

More changes!

I first reviewed the READMEs last night after editing the “About” section to also emphasize how they need to at least be skimmed over to get an idea on how to work this mod.

I saw a lot of verbosity: things that I said in three sentences could easily be explained in less than ten words. I also saw that some sections weren’t properly labeled, nor were some elements of information placed inside of the right sections. So, I just rewrote them!

There’s more to read, yet if this is all you need to see,

then stay Violet until next time!

Continue reading

Working on more new features!

Yesterday I decided to make an effort towards creating yet another ponytail hairstyle for Baretta. This particular style will look much different from the others, and consists of a different hair band design. To make this work like I wanted and maintain simplicity, I had to change some features of Angii and Banshii’s hair bands–more specifically, removing the feature that allows the user to randomly swap the colors of the hair bands–in order for this to look right on them.

I don’t want to have to do the same for Vixii or Drixii (especially since it took me hours to develop the codes for their random colors!), and I’m working on figuring out how I’ll keep it all. If I can, then I’ll probably end up giving Angii and Banshii back their random color features as well.

In addition to that, I’m simplifying more of my code and linking more of the code files together so that going in and editing things like skirt colors or persona key functions is much easier and way less time-consuming.

Now that you’re all caught up on what I’m doing, I urge everyone to

Stay Violet until next time.

More news on the Project.

So, I’ve rearranged more outfits–particularly, the weekend alternatives.

I’ve taken up a new task towards Banshii and have begun drawing up new, more meaningful designs for her body.

I decided to cut down on “filter” effects, and have simply created less-memory-consuming bitmap versions of them, which honestly looks better.

And lastly, I’ve corrected a few more bugs and errors.

That’s all for now.

Until I make an official release,

Stay Violet.


Continuing from where we left off…

 I’m done rearranging Vixii and Drixii’s mechanics; I’ve even made a nice club background for them both–lights and all! I’ve done a bunch of other things too and I want to release v11.0, yet I have to finish my other goals before I do so, which include adding restrictions to the backgrounds (for the sake of logic: Vixii wouldn’t be at the club in her underwear or sleepwear… just sayin’ ).

That crossed out part is actually done now. I’ve tested it all out and eliminated as many bugs as possible!

Next, switching more outfit sequences around…

…until that’s done,

stay Violet, guys!